100th Anniversary

100th Anniversary Events

To view pictures from the various events please click on one of the events below:

100th Anniversary Mass

Click above to see pictures from the Mass

Staff Events

Pictures coming soon!


Pictures coming soon!

Women’s Auxiliary Gala

Pictures coming soon!

Thanksgiving Day Parade

Pictures coming soon!

Gratitude Mass

Pictures coming soon!

100th Anniversary Brick Commemoration

In Celebration of our 100th Anniversary St. Edmond’s Home for children is thrilled to announce our first-ever legacy brick path. The first stage is complete; however, we are able to add new bricks to the path, replacing blank bricks with newly dedicated bricks.

We invite you to become a part of our history with a beautiful engraved brick that will be laid in our sensory garden connecting the current path with the gazebo. This needed path will not only make transport to the gazebo easier for our children but will provide an extra space for some of our children to sit and socialize with those who are in the gazebo.

Engrave a brick for yourself, your family, a friend, or have one created in memory of a loved one. Each brick displays three lines of personalized text and 18 characters per line. Characters include spaces and punctuation. Brick text will be in all CAPITALS and centered on the brick. Installation will occur in late August or early September.

4×8- $100, 3 lines 18 characters per line
8×8- $200, 6 lines 18 characters per line
4×8- Employee Price $50, 3 lines 18 characters per line

To order a brick please click on the link below:
