Be sure to click on the plus sign by the FAQ's below for the answers.

What type of child does St. Edmond’s Home serve?

St. Edmond’s Home serves medically fragile children with a diagnosis of severe or profound intellectual and physical disabilities.

How do children come to live at St. Edmond’s Home?

In most cases, families determine that their child would benefit from continuous active treatment and 24-hour supervision and nursing care. They are either referred to us by local hospitals, doctors offices, schools or other families, or they reach out to us directly by contacting our Social Services Department. The families are encouraged to visit St. Edmond’s Home before applying and starting the admission process. For More information on the admission process please visit our Admission Page. We do have a few children who come to us through Child/Youth and Protective Services for a variety of reasons. Each application is reviewed by our Admissions Committee to determine if placement at St. Edmond’s Home is appropriate.

What age ranges of children do you serve?

St. Edmond’s Home can serve children ages 6 weeks to 21 years.

How involved are families and guardians with their children?

Here at St. Edmond’s we encourage family involvement as much as possible! Our Social Services department is dedicated to serving the children and their families to ensure that there is a continuity of care. The families are invited to all events that not only take place here at St. Edmond’s, but also any community outing that their child is participating in, such as: Haunted Hay Rides, Bowling, Disney on Ice, and  Longwood Gardens just to name a few. Moreover we offer a quarterly Parents Group meeting which is facilitated by the Social Services department.

The nursing department notifies the families of any medical updates regarding their child in respect to their preference of what they would like to be notified about such as, keeping a child home from school for observation, any seizures, any hospitalizations, any incidents that occurred that the child was involved in.

Are you a 501c3 Non Profit Organization?

Yes, St. Edmond’s Home is a 501c3 Non Profit Organization. For a copy of our W9 or for our Tax ID or Tax Exemption number please contact Katie Kinuthia at 610-525-8800 extention 115.

Are you an orphanage?

No, St. Edmond’s Home is an Intermediate Care Facility for children with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/ID). The children who reside at St. Edmond’s Home have complex medical needs that require 24 hour nursing care. Many of our families find that they are unable to provide for these complexities at home and give them the quality of life that they desire for their child.

Our staff not only provides the medical support that they need but also have many different therapies and activities for the children to experience. The children go on outings to the museums, movies, theatres, sporting events, they attend school in the community. St. Edmond’s strives to provide a happy joyful childhood and many of our staff and families say that the children’s social life is better than their own!

Do the children attend school here or do they go to schools in the community?

All children ages 3-21 attend school in the community. Our children attend various schools each chosen with parental input to meet the needs of the child. Schools include but not limited to CADES, Haverford High School, HMS School, Overbrook School for the Blind, and Marple Education Center.

Do you offer Respite Care?

No, respite care provides temporarily relief to families caring for a child with medical needs. St. Edmond’s Home for Children provides care for families who are no longer able to care for the medical complexities of their child at home and whose child is in need of 24 hour nursing care.

What happens when children reach 21 and need to leave St. Edmond’s Home?

A dedicated team led by our Social Work Department works with parents and guardians on a placement plan beginning a few years before the child turns 21. The plan takes into account what resources are available in the area. The local Office of Developmental Programs also assist in the process.

How do you apply for a job at St. Edmond’s Home for Children?

Please visit our Employment Opportunities Page under the ‘About’ tab for more information.

What kind of donations do you take?

Please see our “Wish List” section under the Donate tab. Please know that we are very thankful for any donations. All donations, large or small, listed on the wish list or not, touch the lives of our children in some way, and for that we are deeply grateful.