Women’s Auxiliary

Women's Auxiliary Celebrates 100th Anniversary

The Women’s Auxiliary for St. Edmond’s Home for Children was established in 1917 at the request of Bishop McCord. Under the all inspiring leadership of Mrs. Mary Mundy, a group of Catholic lay women set up an organization for the purpose of raising funds to maintain the Home and provide nursing and therapy care for the children.

Today the Women’s Auxiliary for St. Edmond’s Home continues to support the needs of the children through fundraising efforts such as hosting an annual Gala/Cup Day, Love Bonds Campaign and volunteering at the home. The Home’s Administrator works closely with the auxiliary to prioritize and recommend various projects and activities in need of support. Below is a list of accomplished projects over the past few years.

Past President Marti Rodgers, Mary Packer, with President Caroline Packer, Denise Clofine, and Past President Phyllis Hart
Photo is a closeup from photo in Catholic Philly website featuring Blessing of Mary’s House Marks Second Home for Young Adults with Disabilities

  • The Great Room (large multipurpose room)
  • Aquatic Therapy Pool
  • Special Care Wing
  • Prayer/Sensory Garden
  • Music Therapy Program
  • Renovations of Halls and Program Rooms
  • St. Edmond’s Home Vehicles

Past Presidents Marti Rodgers, Anne Bonner,
Eileen Parks, Liz Finley and Mary Packer

Each of these has enhanced the lives of the children by providing necessary therapy and activities. These improvements have also benefited the families of the children as they have created additional space where families can spend quality time. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Edmond’s Home has provided hope for hundreds of children throughout the years through commitment to our mission.

For more information about the Women’s Auxiliary, the annual Gala, Love Bond Campaign, or to support the auxiliary in their work please visit:

Women's Auxiliary Website

Sometimes in life we are fortunate to meet someone who makes a difference in the lives of others. I have been truly blessed to have met an entire group of women who exemplify dedication, care and love. Their legacy is so very admirable.
— Denise Clofine, Administrator